Packing Light for a Luxury Phuket Villa

When preparing for a holiday, you always think it is best to be well prepared – and this is usually the case, with everything that is except packing. It is no different for a holiday staying in a luxury Phuket villa. 

It may sound ludicrous, but it is best to pack light, because we all know that we are likely to buy more clothes, trinkets, and keep sakes whilst travelling, and we need room to transport such shopping home.

packinglightthailandIt is also nice to not have to worry about lugging heavy cases around at the airport, or being forced to load yourself up like a pack horse just to get from A to B. There are multiple ways to reduce what you take, below are some ideas of how to resist the temptation to take everything but the kitchen sink.

  • Pack daily essentials for the number of days you will be spending away (underwear & hygiene items)
  • Only pack clothes for 5 days (villa accommodation will have washing facilities or in Phuket most people send their washing to a laundry).
  • DO NOT go overboard on footwear – party shoes, pool shoes and day shoes…
  • Do not pack razors, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shaving cream, aftershave etc. (all of this is bulky and can be bought at your destination to save space) if you do, take miniatures.
  • Leave towels behind. All towels are normally provided at villas. Just double check before you travel.
  • Minimise your gadgets (do not bring games consoles, laptops, large cameras – phones can do all of these things and take up much less space). Unless you are planning a long stay think hard before you pack to re-create your office and entertainment system on holiday!
  • Make a list. It’s worth writing everything down you would like to take and then the following day reviewing the list and highlighting the essentials and the least bulky.
  • Reuse and repurpose. Think through your clothes and pack items that can be dressed up or down. Pack t-shirts that can be night wear and beach wear. Thailand is hot so light, cotton or linen clothes are best.
  • Pack clothes that are wrinkle resistant (certain fabrics work better on the road than others, just bare it in mind) and also pack them in tight – roll and stuff is a good method
  • Create a colour theme (for your clothes – black, white and grey go with everything, maybe mix it up with a brighter colour, but keeping things simple like this maximises outfit options and minimises wasted space.

FullSizeRender-4Follow these key rules and you will be sure to have a load off your mind this holiday.

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